out and empty

Once so long ago.....

The old fabric

Kategori: once work...

This is an old paper fabric, laded of in the 80ties.
After that it was used for training for fireman, then it became a popular place to dump your old car, lorry, van and just everything else.

Cold here

Kategori: once work...

Some more winter pics of the old lumber way

Out of gas?

Kategori: once work...

This was and old gas station like 20years ago.Then it became a small supermakt,then a car service,then a boatshop.Then a fleetmarket.Now it's nothing but a leaking rutting dumpster

The buss grave

Kategori: once work...

Here we have a nice ex. off and old service point in the woods.

More empty spaces

Kategori: once work...

Here some more place

Forrest gone

Kategori: once work...

These two are retired i guess

Old mil

Kategori: once work...

An old mil in the near of the camping

Norrsundet, one a lot of work was done here

Kategori: once work...

Since the factory was closed down, there was no reason to stay here