out and empty

Once so long ago.....

Out of gas?

Kategori: once work...

This was and old gas station like 20years ago.Then it became a small supermakt,then a car service,then a boatshop.Then a fleetmarket.Now it's nothing but a leaking rutting dumpster

The buss grave

Kategori: once work...

Here we have a nice ex. off and old service point in the woods.

The old new house

Kategori: once home...

This lovley house is directly placed beside the cabin.
Same old story, the previous owners had no childern who want it, so it was empty nearly 30years.
It got finally sold för 10.000sek to some folk from russia who wanted to restore is and sell it expensive.
But noone had seen them for over 3 years.
So empty again with open windows,leaking roof and lost hope,

The cabin

Kategori: once home...

Here lived an elderly couple for over 30years.
The women got sick and came 5 years ago in a nursing home.
The man got sick too, and until 2 years ago he couldn´t take care of himself no loger and came to the same nursing home as his wife.
They do not have any children so the cabin is on it´s own now.


Kategori: social places

Camping was popular, not these days it seems

Kilafors psyc/poor elderly home

Kategori: hospital,Psychiatric hospitals,elderly homes

Here you have a really nice house in a really poor condition.
But it got sold just 3 months ago, and will hopefully be renovated soon

Out of duty

Kategori: Allmänt

These one have gone out of oreder i guess


Kategori: Allmänt

Here is the current site of Björknäs efter that some kids tried to burn it down



Kategori: social places

Some more forgotten things