out and empty

Once so long ago.....

More to come

Kategori: Allmänt

I couldn´t go inside these places couse i had my dog with me but in 2 weeks there are comming more pictures :)

The old camping side

Kategori: social places

Since the new E4 many places in the region had downs, like this lovely camingside.
But the owner gave finnaly up like 7 years ago.


Kategori: once home...

This nice house is owend by folk who wasn´t there since 5 years back.

The houses of doom

Kategori: once home...

Sadly 5years ago these smal complex was abanded by the residents.
They didn´t pay the rent and the owner got in insolvens.
Since then they started to fall apart and some kids around started the distruction.
So they are doomed to disapere in the near future.

New places

Kategori: Allmänt

On saturday i will load up more pictures of an abanded house, hope you like it :)

Säter mental hospital cementary

Kategori: hospital,Psychiatric hospitals,elderly homes

Somewhere they had to burry the patiens who had died durying the "treatment" and those who had comitted suicede or died of natural courses.Mostly ts was dyuring the so called treatment....
Nowdays the paly golf there.I really don´t know if this is respektful?

Norrsundet, one a lot of work was done here

Kategori: once work...

Since the factory was closed down, there was no reason to stay here

Ångermanlands old houses

Kategori: once home...

In the town where my family lives are a lot of old houses.
Some live and some had too go.
But this one burned to the ground in the 60th.
The old barn is left,some ruiens in the old garden and of course the car!

Älvdalens old church

Kategori: social places

In the little town of Älvdalen they have 2churches.
And one had to go...

Säter mental hospital garden

Kategori: hospital,Psychiatric hospitals,elderly homes

The garden had 2 seperated gardens, surroundet by 5m high walls.
The house like the gardens where sepperated becouse at that time women and men where not supposed to live togeher unless the where married.

Säter mental hospital inside

Kategori: hospital,Psychiatric hospitals,elderly homes

Sadly a lot of stupid people mostly kids, find it funny to destroy the old house.

Säter mental hospital

Kategori: hospital,Psychiatric hospitals,elderly homes

In the smal town of Säter in the landscape of Dalerna lies an old institution for menal illneses.
It was build in 1901 and the hospital was in use between 1912-1951.
There was placed 150-200 persons in the buildings around and a lot of them died,mostly becouse of the treatments of the time.
There is also a cemntary I visited, placed now in a golfcorse.
No one cares about the graves anymore, but many massgraves are also there.They are buryed between 750 and 800 persons.                                        Wanna golf there?

Welcome traveller!

Kategori: Allmänt

Some pictures i collected over the past 2 months!