Somewhere they had to burry the patiens who had died durying the "treatment" and those who had comitted suicede or died of natural courses.Mostly ts was dyuring the so called treatment....
Nowdays the paly golf there.I really don´t know if this is respektful?
The garden had 2 seperated gardens, surroundet by 5m high walls.
The house like the gardens where sepperated becouse at that time women and men where not supposed to live togeher unless the where married.
Sadly a lot of stupid people mostly kids, find it funny to destroy the old house.
In the smal town of Säter in the landscape of Dalerna lies an old institution for menal illneses.
It was build in 1901 and the hospital was in use between 1912-1951.
There was placed 150-200 persons in the buildings around and a lot of them died,mostly becouse of the treatments of the time.
There is also a cemntary I visited, placed now in a golfcorse.
No one cares about the graves anymore, but many massgraves are also there.They are buryed between 750 and 800 persons. Wanna golf there?